On Gaza Biden Deserves Support

From a comment to the NY Times:

“As far as I can tell Biden is the only major political figure trying to do something useful for either Palestinians or Israelis. But commentators of all stripes are so eager for partisanship on one side or the other that they are happy to ignore it.

This the strongest position ever taken on a two state solution. Making it go is non-trivial, but there is no other long-term solution. Both Palestinians and Israelis need it. It’s worth supporting.”

Who else is in this picture?

  • Netanyahu and Hamas are both eagerly trashing their societies for personal benefit. They are long-term allies united in profiting from hatred. This war is not about Israeli treatment of Palestinians; neither side wants anything good.
  • The student movements (probably supported by the Republican Party’s campaign against universities) are making a ceasefire less likely and a Trump victory more so. More polite left wing
    “compassion” will have exactly the same effect.
  • Regardless of what the students may think, the right wing makes no secret of being definitively worse for Palestinians. They just pushed through a bill blocking Biden’s use of arms delivery for leverage. The key figures echo the Israeli religious right.
  • The International Criminal Court is happily pointing fingers but without any constructive proposal.

When I was in college Mao’s little red book was orthodoxy. I remember someone lamenting that the US would be last country in the world to take advantage of Mao’s wisdom. I also remember Simon Leys comment on the whole business: “It just shows how little anyone really cares about China.”

There’s a dose of that with Gaza. Biden’s not perfect, but he is actually trying to do something. Both sides should stop playing good guys versus bad guys and support the only real path we’ve got.